5 Easy Tips to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

Winter is looming. The mornings are frosty, and our homes are getting chilly. And now we’re stuck inside more than usual due to lockdown restrictions, it’s more important than ever to ensure our houses are warm and cosy to keep everyone in the home happy. If you find yourself reaching for the blankets more than usual, here are six expert tips to keep your home warm this winter.

Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

1. Thicker Curtains

A simple way to trap heat in your home is to hand thick curtains. Linen curtains may look great in the summer months, but they allow heat to escape through the windows and can make a room feel cold. If you can get curtains with a thermal lining, this is even better and are relatively cheap.

Close your curtains as soon as the sun goes away to trap the warmth inside. Then open them up during the day to allow the sun to naturally warm the room.

2. Shut Windows

If you like sleeping with your windows open, now is the time to close them up. Leaving them open day or night lets warm air escape and can drop the temperature of the entire house.

If you don’t have double glazing or your window seals are old, getting them repaired or the glass replaced will make a significant difference. Single glazing and tiny tears in the seal let out a significant amount of warm air and can even make your bills much higher than they need to be.

If you can’t get the seal replaced, you can buy insulating strips that adhere to the edges of the window to give a good barrier.

3. Bleed Radiators

Are your radiators stuck behind bookcases or sofas? This will be reducing the effectiveness dramatically. Do some rearranging and make sure all radiators are clear of obstructions. For an extra boost, cover some cardboard in foil and place it behind the radiator. This will help bounce heat back into the room rather than letting it rise.

If your radiators aren’t heating up properly, they may also need to be bled. Head to our guide on how to bleed your radiators to get them working optimally.

4. Cover Floors

10% of all heat lost in your home is through the floors if they’re not insulated. If you have wooden or laminate flooring, heat is easily lost through the gaps. But an easy fix is to put thick rugs down on your floors. This not only helps to reduce heat loss but will also feel much warmer on bare feet and make the room feel cosier.

5. Boiler Service

Does your heating keep going off even after you turn on the thermostat? Maybe you’re not getting a lot of water before the shower goes cold? These are clear signs your boiler has an issue and needs to be serviced. Book a plumber in to come out and give your boiler a service to make sure it’s functioning properly and doing its job in heating up your house and keeping your family warm.

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